Shabby Miss Jenn

Thursday, August 26, 2010

We're Off!! Part two...

Our little Camryn "little lamb" started her first day of school today. She did fine and could have cared less that we were leaving her there! Her teacher is Ms. Letty and we have never had her but have heard she is fabulous! Camryn will have so many little friends in there to encourage her speech and we are grateful she is able to go where the boys went. It's very weird to think all 3 of our kiddos are in school right now. I have a very quiet house!! We love you lamb and hope you have a great first day!

Of course she immediately found the babies!! A little mommy in the making!


A. Leigh Photography said...

oh my! she is adorable!!! i do believe that her backpack is bigger than she is! so cute! and glad that she liked it!!! that always makes it easier on the mommy!

A. Leigh Photography said...

she's a doll!!! i do believe her backpack is bigger than her! ;)