Shabby Miss Jenn

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

A Few of Our Favorite Things.....

Lounging with Charlie on the couch when he gets home from school

Accessorizing (this is NOT daddy's favorite thing!)

standing, standing, standing (she LOVES doing this!)

Kevin Windham - big supercross rider

Friday, January 23, 2009

Growing like a weed (well, that may be pushing it)

Our little bit is now 8 whole pounds! I had to put most all of her preemie clothes up which has made me a bit sad. On a lighter note, I am so happy that I have found a play gym that is still just toys hanging down with no lights or noise. I tried so hard to find one for Christmas with no luck but finally came across one. Does every baby toy really need to have lights, music and vibrate?

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Playing Catch-Up

It's been quite some time since I've blogged. Not sure why - maybe because all of the tv shows are back on and new again or maybe because I'm just being lazy. We had a great Christmas. We spent Christmas with the Bain's and then went to San Antonio to see my side of the family.
Lots of pics below...

Santa Clause at the Galleria

Our Santa Baby

The kids before Christmas Eve church

Christmas Eve nativity scene (Camryn is baby Jesus)

Charlie's new dirtbike from Santa

Jackson's new DS (Ask me to tell you why he is on his THIRD DS someday)

This picture makes me giggle because Charlie looks like such a punk :)

The kids with Great Grandma and Grandpa (my grandparents)

Charlie with his namesake - Charlie Dietz (my grandpa)