Shabby Miss Jenn

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

99 years!

Our "Nonnie" just turned 99 this week! This is Ron's (my stepdad) mother. She does so well as you can see. The party was at the Walden Yacht Club and the singer had quite a group dancing for her. The kids loved it. Nonnie and Ron danced to "The Way You Look Tonight". It was sweet. The Kiehl's were in town for the party and it was so good to see them. They are all three so absolutely delightful and so grown up. Happy Birthday Nonnie! We can't wait for the big 100!!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Sister Beach Trip

We just returned from our every other year beach trip with my sisters' families. We had a great time! Now I have to start working off the extra weight I gained. We ate like crazy!!

Lots of Boogie Boarding



My Boys


My nephew, Nickie, hates to have his pic taken but I think I got a few cute ones.

Our 3 beach bums!

Good Times!!