Shabby Miss Jenn

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

A New Year at St. John's!

My smallest little chicken started her first day of school today! She was super excited this morning when we got the nap mat and lunch kit out. She did well today - no tears but lots of extra hugs and kisses! I love you little lamb lamb! I love how hard you try, I love how much you "go with the flow" of our crazy busy life, and mostly I love how you are so uniquely you. Hope you have a great day baby girl!

Monday, August 22, 2011

First day of school 2011!

Yes, it's that time again - the 1st day of school! I have so enjoyed looking at everyones pictures of all of the kids going back to school - some look beyond excited, some look less than thrilled! My boys were pretty excited. Jackson - ready to jump in head first of course, and Charlie - a bit hesitant, a lot nervous! We talked about our goals for this year last night at dinner and Jackson is shooting for the moon - with "no notes home" and Charlie could never really decide on one. Boys - I love you both "to pieces" and hope you have a school year filled with lots of learning and lots of fun because learning should still be fun, right?

On another note of firsts...Charlie has started his first year of tackle football. Both of the boys are so enjoying football starting! Go Seahawks!!!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Dietz Sister Beach Trip - Watercolor, FL - 2011

We spent our beach trip this year in Watercolor, FL. It is the cutest little beach neighborhood where people ride around on bikes everywhere. We met my sister Melissa and her kiddos from Chattanooga, and my other sister Jennifer and her family from Austin. It was Jen's turn to find the house and she found a great one! It was comfy, fit all of us, and except for the lack of knives that could actually cut, was perfect!! It's quite a miracle I am still alive seeing that you spend a lot of time on your bikes here - I am not a bike rider!

Here's all 8 of the kids!

Just for a trip down memory lane, this is our crew from our 1st Dietz sister beach trip! (Charlie was there, he was 1 1/2 - just refused to get in the picture. I know, this suprises no one!)

The kids couldn't wait to go crab hunting at night so that's just what we did our very first night!

Even my little Cami enjoyed the crab hunting! (or maybe it was the headlight?)

Here they are youngest to oldest...

Camryn (2 1/2)

Claire (5 1/2)

Charlie (7 1/2)

Catherine (8 1/2)

Jackson (9 1/2)

Connor (11)

Madeline (13 1/2)

Nicholas (15 1/2)

Lots of fun times...

Just my babies...

So long Watercolor! We so enjoyed the house, the sand, the sun, the family, the laughter, the food, and the wine! Until next time...