Shabby Miss Jenn

Sunday, June 15, 2008


I think our basic needs are friends, food, fun, family. Really besides God, do we need anything else??? We had a great time with the Richters at Mops and Pops' lake. The Richters have two boys Jackson and Charlie's ages and a little girl Madison who will be almost exactly one year older than our little girl. They are a great family and have become fabulous friends of ours.

Chase and Jackson had too much fun being pulled by the wave runner on the huge raft and the little boys took it a bit slower by sitting in chairs in the water waiting to be slammed with water by the jet ski. Apparantly that's a ball when your a little boy. Mommy didn't think it was all that hilarious being that I always had my camera in my hands when the huge tidal wave would come. That of course made it that much more fun for David and the boys.

Miss Lyla loves the lake as well. My prissy, girly, lap dog (yes, I am being sarcastic - she is anything but those things) loves the motorcycle track and also love swimming in the lake and rolling around in the sand. Obviously, I don't know how to raise a proper little girl! :)

Friday, June 13, 2008

VBS 08

Another year of VBS has come and gone. It was as always a blast for the kids. My sister Jennifer and her kiddos came down and my mom volunteered with us as well. I taught Charlie's preschool class which he loved but I sure missed the "big kid" VBS part. It was a great week and our kids had a great time together.

The kids had some spats but the main arguments were between Miss Claire and Lyla. Let's just say Claire is not a Lyla fan. We also learned that Connor is destined to be a guitar player as he literally played "air guitar" the entire Lads concert. Speaking of the Lads, they are a Christian rock band that all of the kids love. The guitarist is a bit of eye candy for the moms volunteering so I've attached a pic of him too! There was a giant foam machine a the concert too which the kids had fun playing in. It really is a great event and although I am a bit biased since we go to the church I truly think it is the best VBS of all. They definitely make it an event the kids will never forget.

And last but not least - have you seen the new hairdo that is all the rage??? Jen and I were thinking of sporting it at Halloween next year!