Shabby Miss Jenn

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Track Day

Well I did something today I don't normally do - I went to the motorcycle track with the boys. I figured I hadn't been in quite some time and with the baby coming, I might not be going for awhile after that. The boys are doing so well and they have both really come a long way since I last saw them. Jackson is getting used to a bigger bike so Charlie loved taking advantage of that and passing him at any opportunity. While I sit and watch I question why I allow them to do this but the joy they have on their faces when they ride is just undeniable!



They could do this for endless hours...

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words!

This picture of Charlie is my new favorite for many reasons. One, because per my extremely biased opinion - he is adorable. Secondly, we were giggling that day and had a fun day outside playing catch and soccer together. But mostly, because I think this little boy is finally truly at peace and happy. Now if you don't know Charlie well, I guess I should explain. This gorgeous baby was the easiest baby ever. So much so that David and I always felt guilty for how easy he was. Then literally, on his first birthday, his whole demeanor changed. For the next three years, he was frustrated, angry, physical, and was quite a challange on many levels. He was that child that everyone had to walk on egg shells around. We have seen him finally come out of the fog throughout the summer and even more so as this school year has started and he is delightful to be around. He just has a calmness and sense of sureness about him that I haven't seen in him before. He still has his same spunky personality, but it is controlled and he is clearly happy - which makes me one happy mommy!

Friday, September 19, 2008

The Calm Before the Storm

The sky was really gorgeous right before Ike came through. We are good and only lost a fence and a garage door. We got our power back on Monday which was "totally unacceptable" (a joke b/w David and I) to me but I know we are VERY lucky as there as many without power still as I type!

Lyla was unfazed by the storm - she was just thrilled to have a new bone to entertain her!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

It's all fun and games......

until someone gets hurt :(

Monday, September 1, 2008

Labor Day 2008

Every year, David's family gets together in New Braunfels for Labor Day. The kids spend the weekend floating the river, going to Schlitterbahn, playing at the park, and basically running around like rag-a-muffins. They have a great time and this year was no exception!

The boogie boards at Schlitterbahn are always a favorite. Someone in our crew always manages to give the crowd a peep show. Last year it was David, but this year Melissa gave the show! (Don't worry Mel, I don't have any revealing pics!)