Shabby Miss Jenn

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Halloween Fun!

What fun it is to have a whole day of Halloween! We started out the morning with a soccer game but quickly got home to start the fun. We carved the pumpkins and they were our best ones yet! The boys did a great job cleaning them out and David did the carving. If you know my boys well, there is no way they can be around each other with a knife so Daddy did all of the carving! We had some friends over for chili and mummy dogs for dinner. I didn't get any pictures of that unfortunately! When the sun went down, we headed out! After the last treat was handed out, we hung out with our neighbors around a fire pit and let the kids run WILD! A great night!

Jackson was a dirtbike rider, Charlie a UPS man, and Camryn a 50's girl.

My boys...

Me and my girl...

Our spooky pumpkins!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Dear Time: Please Slow Down!!!

It pains me to say that my little girl has turned ONE! She has been such an easy little girl and has been so much fun. She loves to dance, laugh, watch her brothers, kiss her puppy, love on mommy, and swing outside. I can't imagine life without Camryn and although it's been interesting adding a baby to our crazy household, she has given each of us a joy we would have never had. We love you sweet Cami girl!

On her "real" birthday, we met Daddy at the mall. (isn't that where all girls want to spend their birthday?) She rode on the carousel for her first time and wasn't quite sure about it!

On to her party! We had a fiesta complete with fajitas, cake and a pinata. We had lots of fun and were so glad to share the fun with friends and family!

Two of her three great-grandmas were there too!

Cake Time! She was much more dainty than the boys were. She loved it though!

Pumpkin Patch...

I have to settle for 3 separate pictures at the patch this year. It just wasn't going to happen to get them all 3 together. That requires one of the boys to hold her and look anywhere in the vicinity of the camera and well, it doesn't happen!

This picture is on here simply because I love the back of her dress!