Shabby Miss Jenn

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Halloween Fun!

What fun it is to have a whole day of Halloween! We started out the morning with a soccer game but quickly got home to start the fun. We carved the pumpkins and they were our best ones yet! The boys did a great job cleaning them out and David did the carving. If you know my boys well, there is no way they can be around each other with a knife so Daddy did all of the carving! We had some friends over for chili and mummy dogs for dinner. I didn't get any pictures of that unfortunately! When the sun went down, we headed out! After the last treat was handed out, we hung out with our neighbors around a fire pit and let the kids run WILD! A great night!

Jackson was a dirtbike rider, Charlie a UPS man, and Camryn a 50's girl.

My boys...

Me and my girl...

Our spooky pumpkins!

1 comment:

A. Leigh Photography said...

So cute!!! Sounds like y'all had a lot of fun!