Shabby Miss Jenn

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Lights in Aggieland!

Well, as most of you know we aren't huge Aggie fans but went up to College Station for a beautiful Christmas light show. We went up with our friends the Richters and minus the detour through Midland (ha,ha) to get there - we had a great time!! I highly recommend it and although Jackson may get beat up in the years to come by proclaiming "I hate the Aggies" during our hayride filled with Aggies, it is something we look forward to doing in the years ahead.

What a bunch of goofballs!!
Camryn thoroughly enjoyed the view from her pouch!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!!

In a very rare and unusual occurance, we got SNOW here! It started right after Charlie got home from school. He was running around like crazy with his tongue out trying to get a taste of it! The snow continued for even Jackson to have some fun in it when he got home from school. What a treat!

Sunday, December 7, 2008


Is our baby boy really 5? It can't seem possible but yet I know that time is flying by! Charlie had a camo themed birthday party at a fun place where boys can ....well, just be boys. The owner said it was the "best party ever" because a lot of parents were out there playing along. I think fun was had by all and it was a very easy party for me!

The zip line was a big hit!

Although this hair drives me crazy sometimes, he does look like the ultimate skateboarder!

Finally....his new bike!

Friday, December 5, 2008

It's the Superbowl baby!!

Jackson's flag football team made it to the superbowl. We met up at the school for some tailgating and car decorating. It was FREEZING out but lots of fun. They got to play under the lights and had a great time. In the end, we did not come out victorious but the boys got 2nd in their league - a great accomplishment!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Lots of giggles on gobble day!

We spent Thanksgiving weekend at Mimi and Papa's house. All the kiddos had a great time - it is major chaos when these kids all get together. Lots of giggles, lots of foul noises, and more giggles. We have much to be thankful for this year. We have a sweet baby girl, the boys are healthy and are doing well in school, David has a job he actually enjoys, we have amazing friends and family.

Ice Skating the day before...

Jackson lost his 2nd tooth on Turkey Day!

I couldn't resist this turkey onsie - I ordered it for her while I was in the hospital before she was born. David was so worried I was doing some major internet shopping but this was all I bought!