Shabby Miss Jenn

Thursday, August 26, 2010

We're Off!! Part two...

Our little Camryn "little lamb" started her first day of school today. She did fine and could have cared less that we were leaving her there! Her teacher is Ms. Letty and we have never had her but have heard she is fabulous! Camryn will have so many little friends in there to encourage her speech and we are grateful she is able to go where the boys went. It's very weird to think all 3 of our kiddos are in school right now. I have a very quiet house!! We love you lamb and hope you have a great first day!

Of course she immediately found the babies!! A little mommy in the making!

Monday, August 23, 2010

We're Off!!

The First Day of 1st and 3rd grade. Can't believe Summer has come and gone. It was a fun one but oh, so tiring!! I know there are many moms out there who cry when their kids go back to school - I must say I am not one of them at this point. I love my boys - don't get me wrong. My boys possess more energy in their little bodies than I thought was possible. I love their energy, in fact I admire their energy - but I don't share that same energy. We had a big summer (of which I promise to update my blog to show pics) and now is time to get down to the business of a routine and school. Routine is good for this mama. To quote something I believe David's mother has said - "How can I miss you if you never leave?" So very true today. Jackson and Charlie - I love you two like crazy - sometimes you even make me crazy - but I am so excited for what the year has to bring you both. I love you boys to pieces!

The picture makes me giggle - look at Camryn - it's a bit what I felt like but it would have been oh so inappropriate for me to do it!!

While I work on getting this blog up to date - here's a hint to what is coming in the future....

Are you ready for some football???