Shabby Miss Jenn

Friday, June 13, 2008

VBS 08

Another year of VBS has come and gone. It was as always a blast for the kids. My sister Jennifer and her kiddos came down and my mom volunteered with us as well. I taught Charlie's preschool class which he loved but I sure missed the "big kid" VBS part. It was a great week and our kids had a great time together.

The kids had some spats but the main arguments were between Miss Claire and Lyla. Let's just say Claire is not a Lyla fan. We also learned that Connor is destined to be a guitar player as he literally played "air guitar" the entire Lads concert. Speaking of the Lads, they are a Christian rock band that all of the kids love. The guitarist is a bit of eye candy for the moms volunteering so I've attached a pic of him too! There was a giant foam machine a the concert too which the kids had fun playing in. It really is a great event and although I am a bit biased since we go to the church I truly think it is the best VBS of all. They definitely make it an event the kids will never forget.

And last but not least - have you seen the new hairdo that is all the rage??? Jen and I were thinking of sporting it at Halloween next year!

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