Shabby Miss Jenn

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Little candy pumpkins and wood floors

What a day it is going to be since it began with an argument over tiny candy pumpkins. The day started out with one tiny little 3 year old begging for a candy pumpkin. After said 3 year old got dressed for school and brushed his teeth - I obliged with a little candy pumpkin. Well, I should have known better. Next, little 3 year old said, "I will go to school without tears if I can have more candy pumpkins." "No" I said, "we agreed that we will have one candy pumpkin before school and if you behave at school you will get one when you get home." Well, he wanted nothing of that and said, "Then I am going to cry when you drop me off!!" "Ok" I said, "I guess you won't get a candy pumpkin when you get home then" So off to school we went and my little negotiator went straight into his classroom and gave me a hug and kiss and said goodbye. Thank goodness! While they are few and far between with this little man, I had a small victory!

Now on to my wood floor saga...... My wood floors have been an issue with me since the day we bought this house. My poor family has heard me complain and complain about them and religiously sweep my kitchen because you can see every spot on them and with two little boys, that's a lot of spots!! These floors give me "brain tremors" (a family joke) So, I am trying to decide if I should pull out all of the wood floors and put tile in the kitchen and new wood floors in the rest of the downstairs or if I should add to the existing wood floors and have it all sanded down and restained. I am usually very quick to make a decision and since I have thought about these floors for over 6 years, one would think I knew what I was going to do but I just can't make up my mind.

Well, I am off to more important things in life - picking up my littlest man at school so we can come home and have a chat over little candy pumpkins and milk! Life is good!

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