Shabby Miss Jenn

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Soccer Time!

We had our first round of soccer games last Saturday. David is coaching Jackson's team this year and they have quite a team! You would have thought we handpicked this team - they are pretty darn good. They beat the other team 12-3. They are all so competitive and aggressive - it's hard to remember they are only 5 after all.

Charlie's game was hilarious. After the first whistle blew, every child on both teams stood completely still. The parents were screaming, "Go get the ball!!!" It took awhile for them to all realize they were in fact playing a game. Charlie did so well and he had a blast. He scored 4 goals (well, two of those were for the other team :) ) but he hustled and played the entire game. He was the little star of the game and he knew it - he was so proud.

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