Shabby Miss Jenn

Friday, July 4, 2008

Independence Day

As always, our 4th started off with the ever so steamy Coles annual parade. I had to work the night before so I slept through the parade. It sounded to be more of the same so I am glad I opted to sleep so I could enjoy the rest of the day!

We went to the Bain's house and the kids played all day on the lake. The neighbors had a great fireworks show and Charlie learned an important lesson about fireworks. Shoes should be worn at all times. The poor little guy stepped on some sparkler droppings and got two burns on the
bottom of his foot......lesson learned.

1 comment:

Nancy Mon said...

Looks like great fun! Sorry we had to miss this year's festivities.

Praying with you all for the coming weeks and days. Rejoicing with you for BG Bain (Baby Girl).

Mops sent me your link today.